High-performance ToF sensor for IoT applications

At present, for IoT applications such as smart home appliances, smart lighting, smart homes, smart parking, etc. DOMI has been able to provide a series of highly integrated, low-cost, flexible 3D ToF solutions suitable for system integration, and customers have also covered home appliances Enterprises and security companies.
Tof sensor DMOS5030A/5031A is ideal for IoT applications
Fully integrated solution
− Integrated IR emitter and optics
− Integrated ToF processor for advanced ranging data processing
Accurate long distance ranging
− Up to 5m range
− Less than 2% deviation over full measurement range
Class-1 laser eye safety
− Auto laser turn-off against abnormality
Easy system integration
− Single 5V power supply
− UART/SPI/I2C/GPIO for configuration and data transmission
Small form-factor
− 30 x 19 x 3.98 (mm3)

ToF sensor

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